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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Move it September, Day 20

Tuesday ...


Does making a mad dash through the grocery store count?

What about a little weeding of the garden? It's looking like a jungle with weeds and I need to give a little more attention than the 5 minutes I give when picking the jalapenos.

It's hotter than heck again, humid and just plain miserable outside.

Did you Move It today?

Move It September, Day 19

Monday. Ick. Really, this is the determining day for the week ... and I failed  :( FAILED.

No, I didn't move it today. I wanted to but just didn't have the motiviation, desire, willpower, ambition, whatever.

Did you Move It today?

Move It September, Day 18

ahhh...Sunday. And FINALLY I feel like a million bucks!

Today was a Costco run. And that, my friends, IS a workout!

Not to mention, the 25 crunches :)

So how about it, did you Move It?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Move It September, Day 17

Saturday. Not normally a very motivating day to Move It!

We did however go boating. After 12 hours of straight sleep, I felt like a new woman and told Hubby I was up to it.

Something about being out on the ocean, with the sea breeze and the salt spray really just makes everything OK for the moment.

Does anyone else get that feeling?

Anyways, todays Move It was boating. Being that we went to Lake Boca, there was plenty of swimming and jumping in and out of the boat!

Move It September, Day 16

It's Friday, I Don't Care It's Friday!

Yeah, It's Friday.

And I've discovered that perhaps, I'm allergic to Amoxicillian? Up numerous times over night tossing the cookies. I don't think that counts as a workout but regardless, weak, and just plain UGG today.

No workout. Whatsoever. Also barely and food intake which is NOT recommended.

Saturday is another day!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Move It September, Day 15

Thursday ... moving right along ...

3.4 miles. In 50 minutes. Shaved off 8 minutes by doing more jogging and a few sprints.

Of course, if you were driving down A1A and saw an old lady looking like she was going to keel over, that was ME :)

How about it, did you Move It today??

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Move It September, Day 14

Wednesday ... and a headache yet again ... uggg

Hubby wants to take me out for dinner tonight so I'm skipping (yet again) another day.

I did do 30 crunches this morning and 20 push ups total. Not much but something is better than nothing.

Ironically, a girlfriend called to see if she could borrow the P90X to see if she likes it enough to order the set. I was like, forget that, just give me the time you want to come over EVERY DAY to do it with me. My living room is HUGE and open so two people could easily do it together.

Of course, I don't do all the dvds, are you kidding? I'm weak :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Move It September, Day 13


I feel better (still a little headache, but nothing like it's been).

AND ... it was sunny (with a few clouds) and a light breeze when I got home at 6pm. So on with the walking/jogging/running/crawling to Sunrise and back.

3.4 miles total.

58 minutes.

Needless to say, not a whole lot of running/jogging mixed in there.

I'm really excited in that I ordered some new shoes today. Man oh man, I hope they are good for my poor feet.  New Balance Women's WT20 Trail Minimus shoes... paid $45.42 after my Swagbucks and Amazon points. Heck of a lot better than $99.99 plus tax and shipping ...

Not so sure how much this will help me out because I also have the stamina/breathing/runny nose issues :)

So how about it...are Moving It In September??

Move It September, Day 12

Monday .... ahhhhhh.....

I still felt like crap. Headache, woozy, just weak and icky.

I did move boxes at work.

And I made it a point to do walking squats when I walked down the long hall at home.

But that pretty much sums it up for the day.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Move It September, Day 11

It's the 10 year anniversary of the most tragic day in the history of America.

I had every intention on doing SOMETHING active today.

However, woke up with the migraine headache and major neck ache (right at the base of my skull {shudder}) that made me want to throw up.

Hubby must have seen it in my eyes. He was super sweet today. So was Kitty Kitty. And Gman.

So no Moving It In September this Sunday. There is tomorrow ...

Move It September, Day 10

Its' Saturday. ...which is really a BAD day for me to plan an exercise program.

Should I do the Plyo?
Or maybe go for the Core?

Both are P90X kick but dvds. Uh huh.

I opted for boating instead. Yeah, boating is a workout ... especially if we are out in the ocean blasting around, gotta use the leg muscles to balance yourself :)

I'm proud to say that I did not drink a single beer. I had a few sips, but honestly, 4 maybe 5. They didnt' taste good so this no drinking thing may just work afterall! Woohoo!

Move It September, Day 9

We are doing some heavy duty cleaning and reorganizing at the office and that is what my workout consisted of today ...

Moving 51 boxes. Yes, 51 file boxes. OMG.

Moving 6 file cabinets, Yes, they were empty BUT do you know how heavy metal file cabinets are? Dang heavy.  Of course, all the manly men in the office were like, no no, we got it and I'm like NO NO, let me help! :)

I know it was a work out because dang, my shoulders ached the next day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Move It September, Day 8

Pouring rain when I got home, as in borderline flooding.

So I turned on the dvd player and stuck in the P90X Plyo cd. Great cardio and leg work out.

Except, I forgot how hard it IS. But if it's not HARD then it's not worth it I suppose? Not my motto, trust me!

So I managed to do 30 minutes of it. Uh huh. That's it. And my legs and butt are on FIRE.

Did you Move It?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Move It September, Day 7

Uh huh, I'm FINALLY feeling better ... so here's today's deal!

Walked. Sort of.

Went to Doctor for follow up. Sent me to hospital for x-rays. Hospital is about 5 blocks one way. It was early still in the day and well, heck, it was NICE outside. So I walked. 10 blocks total. Not to mention the walk through the hospital maze.  Funny, a squirrel kept coming up to me ... was just a little too close for comfort. :)

For once when I got off work, the sun was sort of shining, and NO thunder and lightning. Unfortunately, Hubby wanted to do a stop at Bed Bath & Beyond to replace the rugs given to Sonny Boy.

So I had to satisfy myself with just doing 20 crunches and 10 pushups. Woohoo. Better than nothing!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Moving It In September - Updates

Well, I am sort of off to a crappy start, if I must be truthful.

Sure, I've done walking lunges (50 total), chair (counter) dips (say hello to those triceps!), push ups and sit ups and crunches and squats.

But nothing that I can honestly say was a REAL effort ...

I've been sick. Good lord, be over it already. Waiting for the antibiotics to kick in.

And for the weather to clear up. See, being sick also makes me TIRED. As in, that alarm goes off at 5:30, I jump up, turn it off and then lay back down for oh, I say, 5 more minutes. Ummm... 7:15am?? Hellooo???? ... I work too.

So then I said, ok, gonna have to do something in the evening (primarily, I want to do a walk/jog/run/crawl of almost 3 1/2 miles). You think the weather would hold out, don't ya? I mean, come on Mother Nature ... seriously, every stinking evening, Monday through Thursday, it rains, thunders and .... {shudder} LIGHTNINGS. Not exactly what I want to do next to the ocean, ok?

So, I'm not giving up just yet. I see the jointy doctor tomorrow. Lets see what SHE says as for the lingering sickness and tiredness (I know it's tied together and could even be something with whats going on in general with me) ... and go from there.

But by golly, I am going to MOVE IT!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Move It In September, Day 1

Day 1. Ironically, it's also September 1st. Ha. What do you make of THAT?

I had good intentions when I went to bed last night.

I laid out my running shoes, socks, sports bra, tshirt and shorts to just throw on. Set the alarm to 5:30 am and said I would just throw the clothes on, pull hair in a ponytail, put on ipod, and chew piece of gum. Do a run/jog/walk/crawl to Sunrise Blvd. and back down A1A. About a 3 mile round trip.

Alarm goes off. I lay back down. Think I'm awake until I look at clock again and it's 6:25. Crap.

Get up. Drag my butt to the coffee maker and turn it on. Which is I need to STOP doing, but another day.

Did a few exercises and said that this evening will have to be my motivational moment. Great.

20 bicycle crunches
10 full crunches
10 countertop deep pushups

I will update this evening.

UPDATED at 6:30pm

It was raining with a few boomers here and there so I grabbed the AB RIPPER X from the P90X set. Ugg

15 to 20 reps of each (as opposed to the 25)

In and Outs
Seated Bicycle (forward)
Seated Bicycle (backwards)
Seated Crunchy Frog
Wide Leg Sit Up (not sure why I find these easy?)
Fifer Scissors (um, no, I can NOT keep my legs straight and feet flexed)
Hip rock and raise
Heels to Heaven
Rollup / Vup Combo (no Vups on this end folks)
Olique Vups (right side is easier then left)
Leg climb
Mason Twist (40 total, did all)

Ummm...I know that my core will be sore tomorrow. It always is when I do this workout. But I did every stinkin exercise at least 15 reps, 20 where I could push it.

FYI - I think you can google the directions that come with the DVD set (The fitness guide gives step by step instructions) or look on youtube for a sample of the move if you don't know what it is.

So how about it ... did you Move It On September 1st?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday Gym Workout

15 minutes on the treadmill with the max speed at 4.0 (I WISH I could run on a treadmill but the balance thing kills me)

Then to the class. All 1 minute intervals (which is an eternity sometimes!)

Burpees with a 5 lb medicine ball in hand (I had to set ball in middle and put hands on floor due to the wrist issues I'm dealing with)

1 leg squats (left leg)

1 leg squats (right let)

Hip thrust (with feet on ball, close to butt...balance baby)

V ups (ick)

1 Leg raise (left leg)

1 Leg raise (right leg)


Jumping jacks with 3 lb weights

Bench press with legs off ground

Isolated Shoulder Press

Kickbacks (triceps)

Pull ups (are you freaking kidding me??)

Isolated curls

and then you started all over again for a total of 3 reps. All I can say is thankfully we didn't have do those darn handstands!

So what did you do today to MOVE?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Gimme 10 minutes!

uggg...again, improvising the workout routine so I did a 10 minute workout (trainer) and then alternated core (crunches) with pushups ... total of 40 each...

Here's the minute by minute workout:

Chuck ups … 5 each (push ups, various styles, like military, hands out, diamond, etc...)

Switch wrist lawn mowers, 30 seconds each side (use a weighted object if you don’t have bands!)

Corkscrew military press (same, use weighted object)

Crazy eights

Tricep kickback/throw combo

Tubing crunch


Rocking iso lunges

Deep seats, close medium and wide

Carlito pushups (aka burpees)man I HATE these things!

Ok, here's a tip ... go to and google 10 minute trainer. There's some dude that recorded a few of his workouts exactly to the video and lists the workouts ... highly recommend you look if you want to do this stupid workout.

Stupid? Not really but dang, I hate these things :) It's that dumb love hate relationship I have with exercising!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gym - Circuit Class - Easy to do at home!

Been a while since I've been to the gym, first being sick and then graduation and the continual running nose ... I'm glad I went, but man, I was dying, he even gave me a 30 second break which is  UNHEARD of with this dude! I think this could easily be set up at home with a few modifications if you don't have swiss ball, medicine ball or kettleball! Give it a shot!

1 minute intervals:

Wall slam burpees (with a swiss ball)

V Crunch on swiss ball

jump rope

medicine ball twist squat

hop scotch (butt low)

lobster crawl (don't arch back, keep plank form)

dead man lifts (35 lb kettleball, back flat)

jump squats (keep knees behind toes!)

wall sit (hands can go anywhere but on your thighs)

push ups (on dumbbell with alternating lifts, 10 lb)

side lunges, low to ground (keep one foot on ground at all times, do not get a 'hop' in the lunge)

side hops (on a step that was about 1 foot high!)

Did a total of 3 circuits which was more than 45 minutes! My favorite? The v crunch (you just rotate the crunch to the left or to the right), the medicine ball twist (but I feel it in the back fat! Yes!) and the wall sit (relaxation). Worse? Burpees (always), jump squats (I just get too tired to have the energy anymore) and the side hops (good lord) which means, anything cardio inducing! :)

So, have you been working out??

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday night, give me 15 minutes

I've been sick and have NOT been to the gym in over a week. Of course, the last time I went I way overdid it and couldn't go the rest of THAT week ... and then when I was finally able to move, I came down with the wicked cold.

So last night, Sunday, I dug out one of those stupid, idiotic 10 minute work out dvds. Stuck it in the laptop and carried the laptop to the bedroom.

Picked up half way through the abs routine.

Uh huh ... The Dawn for 1 minute
Mountain Climb for 1 minute
superman crunch for 1 minute
Tic Toc Lift for 1 minute
(ummm, by now I'm screaming!)
Peek a boo for 1 minute
Scissor Crunch for 1 minute
Scissor Lift for 1 minute  This is a youtube video that shows the whole ab workout by some normal dude. Nice to see a NON ATHLETE do it for once :) His daughter pops in at some point and you can see he's just too exhausted to say anything to her :)

Then I did the full 10 minute of lower body ... and again, scream baby but in the end, no big deal. I think my legs are pretty strong and just need to loose a little more of that jiggly fluffy stuff :)

I am not listing the 10 minutes of leg exercises right now but can tell you that it has lots of squats in various forms and your thighs will be burning by the end. It also follows the 1 minute per exercise with 30 seconds of each leg (like the kicks and such) ...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

CORE - on a Swiss Ball no less

I finally got back to the class last night since being in Vegas and Indiana...have not been there since the end of April!

Everyone had to grab a swiss ball ... and then we did 2 seconds on 2 seconds off, 5 seconds on 5 seconds off and 15 seconds on 15 seconds off. A total of 30 minutes.

Sunup / Sunrises.
Leg raises.
Roll Outs.
Reverse roll outs.

And so many other things that I don't remember.

It was hard. Sounds to freakin easy to even comment on but I've learned (the hardway) NOT to roll my eyes and smirk at how EASY it sounds because those few seconds DO mean something.

The thing with the Swiss Ball is balancing. AND if you do it right, your whole entire core WORKS HARD to balance. Whew.

I do have a bruise on my knee from FALLING (rolling) off the damn thing. So um, use caution!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What the Circuit Training Class looked like

Class is 45 minutes long. Each set is in 1 minute increments (so he says, but I think his timing is off!)




Scissor Kick (um, you know, one leg goes STRAIGHT in the air, while other is pararel to the floor, feet flat?) Ow momma. Up and down, up and down, DO NOT LET THE HEEL TOUCH THE FLOOR.

Jumping Jacks

Arm circles (with weights)

Push ups

Mountain climber

mini Heisman



And repeat, repeat, repeat.

Thought it looked boring. Made the mistake of saying so which of course, got me some individual one on one scolding coaching.

Thanks Dude!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Abs ... only 40

You know, the core area is really one of the easiest places to see a difference, but you have to stay focused!

As you may have seen on the other site, I have joined a gym, only because Hubby needed to have the outside motivation. We joined a place called YouFit ... $20 a month for each of us, unlimited access to gym, classes, tanning, etc. Personal Trainers galore and it's sort of cool that I can watch them work out with the clients while I'm on a treadmill and put the information away in my brain :)

So anyways, I still work out at home though.  And realize that I've been neglecting the core/ab area ... because geesh, my legs and butt are firmer but the rolly polly rolls are coming back in the stomach!

So here we go, 40 total today, which really, is enough on a daily basis IF that's all you have time for :)

1.  Lay on back with knees bent, feet flat on floor. Put arms straight up in air, palms facing and touching each other. And up you go in a crunch, reach for the sky, keeping hands together and arms straight. You will be more reaching towards the 10:00 or 2:00 position on a clock, not straight up in the air. Not going all the way up and be sure to squeeze your ab muscles when doing. Do 20 (come on, you can do it!)

2. Ready for the other 20? IF you have a medicine ball or other stable weight, place between your knees once in position. Lay flat on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Hands out by sides, palms down for stability. Lift feet off floor (knees still bent) and straighten legs so they are straight over the floor, but don't touch the floor! Pull knees up towards starting position and repeat. IF you have the weight, put between your knees and hold it together. Do 20 of these, be careful not to strain your neck, using your hands and arms to stabilize and focus on your core while doing.

And there you are, 40 tummy works for the day.  IF you still feel up to it, do 40 mason twist, 20 crunches or 20 situps, all depending on your ability!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday's Plan (and Wednesday tossed in too) ...

Tuesday was a mish mash of stuff and nothing hard core whatsoever.

25 crunches.
20 forward lunges (each leg)
30 squats
20 side lunges (each leg)
25 reach for toes (in air) for abs

Then Wednesday, I went to the gym. Yes. I did.

15 minutes on bike for warmup
circuit routine (which irritates me when others come to use the machines from other side of gym but fail to do the circuit, therefore messing up my sequence!) ... instead of forcing myself to do the jump box everytime, I opted for jogging, jumping rope, and jumping jacks for the cardio in between.
Ended with another 15 minutes on treadmill to cool down.

Yes. We joined a gym. $20 a month and a free friend any and everytime you go. Currently it's the Boy following me there. And I can  honestly say, I did get a pretty stellar workout Wednesday. But getting home at 8:30pm stinks for me.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday's Plan - Abs - simple

Man, I need to just get focused!

30 elbows to knees

30 reach ups to toes

50 crunches

and then just because I could, 30 squats.

Nothing major but something is better than nothing.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday's Plan - Walk/Run/Jog

Done. Whew. I'm exhausted.

Trying to figure out just how far I went? 28 to 30 blocks total. Windy. Walked, jogged and sprinted. And damn, I'm tired.

The whole time I kept reminding myself what the Princess says, hold your hands like you are holding to cans of soda ... and she's right, it really does reduce your exertion ...

So how about it, how did you do today??

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday's Plan - ABS / Core

So have you been keeping up? Not necessarily with MY plan but with just plain getting out there and moving it. I believe that is the first step is just making the effort to DO IT.

I've worked out consistently this week and I'm pretty damn proud of myself. I am a little sore today, butt and inner thigh area from Thursday. I'm really starting to think I need to do this 2, maybe 3 times a week. It's short and sweet but highly effective.

We did this workout a week or so ago ... and I'm ready to do it again! So lets hop to it....

Elbows to knees, rotating, 25 total. Go slow and don't strain your neck. Mentally concentrate on your ab muscles. You should feel upper, lower and the sides contracting ... breathe. Take a few second break if needed, count to 10 super quick, that's the only break you get!

Feet straight up, heels to ceiling, reach with your hands to touch your toes, up and down, 25 total. You can do it. Keep the legs straight, don't bend your knees and keep your feet flat to the ceiling. Again, focus, concentrate and BREATHE!

Hmm, that was 50 already and it's only been, what, 15 minutes? Woohoo. Moving on:

In and outs ... this is a P90X Abripper move, sit with your knees bent, lift feet off ground, hands on ground to side, slightly behind your rear. extend legs straight out, trying to keep your back straight (do not arch) and bring knees back up towards your chest. Keep feet flat as you do and go for 25.

Next up is Crunchy Frog, another P90X Abripper move, start in same position as In and Outs only know, your arms are out to side (in air, palms facing forward). Straighten legs out (off the ground) and lean back and then come up to starting position with knees up to chest and arms wrapping around knees. In and out. Breathe (this is hard I think) and we are going for 25.

Whew. Thats 100 baby. Ok, really, we should do more but I think the last thing I'm going to do is mason twist.

50. With my 10 lb medicine ball. Just because.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Boost in the morning

I've posted several times about how I WANT to work out in the morning but just have such a hard time doing so with the lack of energy and such. I've got plenty of time, and it really makes the most sense for me to do it in the morning ... so this past week, I did a few times in the morning. What I did each time was tried to slug down at least HALF of a Muscle Milk light carton.

They are small, only 8.25 ounces. 150 calories, 4g total fat (that's alot), 20 grams of protein. BUT the reason I wanted to give these a try is they contain NO milk. And I think "maybe" that's the reason I always wanted to toss my cookies when I chugged down these other protein drinks (even the ones with powder mixed with water have milk products in them) ...

So far so good. And funny enough, this is kind of like my breakfast. Well, that and a banana, and a small glass of juice to take the vitamins and NOW Advil (for pain!) ... They don't taste bad, not exactly delicious either, but I've had worse. I would almost be tempted to dilute it a little with some water as it's very thick (well, it's a shake, doh?) ...

If you are interested in picking some up at a pretty decent price (they are NOT cheap, but less expensive), you can go to Costco and they have 24 pks for $27.99. Then use the $6 off coupon and and then it's only $21.99 for 24 ... since I'm the only one drinking them (that I know of?), they will last me the month.
I do not drink them if I am not working out that morning. At night time, I just eat something when I get home from work and by the time I'm ready to go, I've got fuel :)

Oh, as the Princess just said, you need to be sure you hydrate. Ummm...she's right. I'm very very bad about that. When I did boxing, my instructor would lecture me left and right, up and down because I was not sweating enough (I was, but not to his satisfaction) and said it's because I did not drink enough water ... yeah, that will make you lethargic and tired too ..

Thursday's workout - Cardio and mix

Todays workout is a mixup … same as the one a few weeks ago here only this time, I'm putting 2 minutes, great if you can do 3 or 4 ... I stood in front of a clock and watched that baby tick by as I screamed for mercy.

This is about 10 minutes of tedious kick ass work. Yes, only about 10 minutes. Feel like you need to do some more for another 10 minutes? Knock your self out :)

You will need a medicine ball and/or a kettle ball or heavyweight dumbbell and a timer. *OK, I've said no special equipment necessary, so go ahead, grab a gallon (or two) of water, milk, pail/box of cat litter, laundry detergent, whatever you have with a handle thats a decent weight and not an awkward shape. It needs to have some weight though. And stand in front of a clock. (And if gathering the laundry soap bottle, try to ignore the fact that you need to do some laundry, you can do that later today!)

Look at your clock. Time yourself for 2 minutes:

Do squats for 20 seconds, rest in squat position for 10 seconds and repeat a sequence until time is up. Realize that your legs are NOT what you thought they were.

Rest one minute

Look at clock and time yourself for 2 minutes again. Do pushups for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds in plank position. Holy crap! I alternated between girly pushups (knees) and full. Continue til 2 (!!!) minutes are up. (having fun yet?) Rest one minute (I'd get up off the floor!)

Look at clock and time yourself for 2 minutes (surprise!) and start up with ball slams (I can’t throw my ball on the tile so I will be doing the “fake” slam up and down) for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds with that ball held HIGH over your head (arms straight!) and repeat til 2 minutes are up … rest one minute. Yes, your heart rate will be right up there!

Look at clock, time yourself for 2 minutes. Situps now with the medicine ball in hands for 20 seconds, rest for 10 in the curl position (OMG).

Rest one minute (I recommend you stand up!)

Look at the clock and time yourself for the last 2 minutes. The last (joyous end!) round is kettle ball swings for 20 seconds, rest with ball held at chest level. I highly recommend you google the "correct" technique to do this otherwise your back could give you grief tomorrow and the rest of the week ... check out this guy, he's pretty informative (and also pretty hard core, but don't let that scare you).

By now you should be pretty much screaming for mercy!

Carmen at Mom to the Screaming Masses is pretty athletic but she was NOT always like that … she was quite a bit overweight (unfortunately, I was trying to get her ELFF site but I think it's no longer active but check out her new site of Calories In Calories Out) and decided enough was enough and started off just walking. She lost a LOT and is now pretty damn fit! Go check her out …

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday's Plan - Walking/Jogging triceps said good morning to me today! That's a good sign, isn't it?? Also that little flabby area above the bra under your armpit? That said hello too. Must have been the push ups. Yesterday was 20 ... did you do yours??

So anyways, today (this evening) I plan on walking / jogging.  1 1/2 miles like last week. But I am hoping to do 3 blocks walking, 1 block jogging, 2 blocks walking, 1 block jogging and hopefully get down to 1 block walking, 1 jogging. Just to keep the heart rate up.

So how about it, are you all joining in?? Come on ... you can do it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday's workout plan - Upper Body and light cardio

Yes, I've been working out. However, I've been using the Bowflex and a few other things and promised that YOU would never have to use any special equipment when I posted ... I may have to change this a little bit and maybe make recommendations on what you can do to modify?'s today's plan. Upper Body.

Start off with 30 jumping jacks.

Then do 30 reverse toe touches (bend left knee behind you towards right hip and touch with right fingers)

Jumping ropes, count to 100


10 pushups. IF you can try to do even just one OFF the knees, excellent!

Jump up and do a 101 count of imaginary shadow boxing. Remember to not over extend the elbows. Keep hands close to face and really put some body movement into it!

Back to the ground and do 25 situps. When you come up, do the one two punch to your opponent straight in front of you. Come on, you can do it. PUSH YOURSELF!

Up again, find yourself a low counter, or sturdy chair and start with 10 chair dips. IF you don't feel it in your tricips baby, you are doing it all wrong (google youtube and watch!)

Stand with hands in fist, palm upward at hips. Knees slightly bent. And with right hand, punch to your left, and bring back down. Repeat with left hand. Do this one 101 times.

Back to the ground for 10 pushups. Come on, you can do it!

Roll over and do 20 toe touches (feet straight up in air, soles facing the ceiling, knees straight and reach to your toes, never let your head touch the ground!)

Jump up, and do 25 jumping jacks.

50 shadow boxing (hey, go ahead, dance around)

Jump rope, count to 101

Jog in place, gradually slowing down to cool down a bit.

Nothing major, but guess what, YOU just did 50 situps and 20 pushups today! Woohoo!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesdays workout plan - LEGS

and a little cardio just to mix it up!

First off, I hate working out in the evening, after I get home from work. I'd much rather work out in the morning and have it out of the way, and less chance to get distracted when I get home from work and so on ... but working out in the morning is hard for me too ... I don't have the energy and I know it's because I should eat but if I eat then I'm really sluggish and even queasy once I start the heart speeding. So, I've resigned myself to try the evening workout for a while and see if I can get a routine that works and stays with me.

Onwards to Legs!  My thighs and calves are a little tender from Monday's walk/run but I think I can do this today!

Up first: jumping jacks. 25 Put your heart and soul into it!
Then lets do jump ropes ... count to 101 casually or fast. Not to do 101 jumps but just for the count :)

Ok, ready? Breathe and move on! (WAIT - if you think you need to warm up more or want to, continue doing your own stretching and warm up ideas!)

20 lunges, balance on one foot IF you can (put top of foot behind you on chair) - I can't do it, I've got such poor balance (ear issues) but continue to try! Keep knees over your ankles and do not let your knee go beyond you toes. Do deep lunges (as far as you can) with hands held together in front of your chest, prayer style.

20 squat calf raises, stand tall, on tippie toes, squat as far as you can down, and raise up on toes again. Again keep knees behind toes.

25 jumping jacks

20 Super skater moves - place all weight on one leg and slide other leg behind body in skater motion with toe touch for balance ... do 20 on each side

20 Lunge, stepping back. Stand with legs together, hold hand at hips and step backwards into a lunge, making sure knee stays over ankle of front leg. IF you want, you can use weights on this but I plan on no weights to get the moves first. Alternate each leg for a total of 20

20 Side lunges, alternate. Stand with feet together, alternate lunges from right to left. 20 total.

20 Deadlift squats. Stand with weight on one leg, other leg bent behind you. Squat down and reach for the floor. (THIS WILL BURN YOUR LEGS!)

25 Jumping jacks. I think at this point you may want to do a little bit of jogging in place to loosen your legs up.

30 Walking "sneaky" lunges. This is just lunges on your tippy toes and a leaning of the upper body forward. Lunge across floor on toes, while in lunge position, bring your torso to upper thighs so body is lined up with the back leg, extend arms behind you for balance (or forward if preferred) and then gracefully pull into the next lunge as you move forward ... remember to stay on your toes :)

60 total calf raises - start with toes pointed out to sides and do 20 calf raises, slowly and never let  your heels hit the floor (owwww). Then do 20 with toes point straight ahead with heels never touching (owwww) and then point toes inward (pigeon toe) and do 20 with heels never touching floor (this is excruciating and I dread doing it!)

IF you still have it in you you can do burpees (I'd recommend 10 to 15) or these cool 80/20 Sieber squats: simply squat at a high speed with 80% of body weight on heel of one foot and 20% on toes of other foot, do 20 on each leg.

Make sure you cool down on this ... jump rope, marching, jogging, etc. as your legs will be screaming.

So how about it, did you do it? And??

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday workout plan - ABS

I am so glad that I did my stuff last night, did 1 1/2 miles instead of the 1 anticpated. Even jogged a few blocks in there (ok, so only 2 blocks then walked then jogged 1 1/2 blocks but still!) No big deal. Then I did some butt exercises when I was done just to cool down some.

So tonight, Tuesday, I plan to do:

ABS. Yeah baby, the midsection. The muffin top area. You know, THAT area :)  Actually, I find it to be one of the easiest and quickest spots to see results.  Seriously. I think alot of that "fat" that you see is really just bloating like.  Sure you may never have 6 packs so to speak (I believe that really is a genetic trait) BUT you can make it less jiggly, and reduce the rolls :)

So come on, here's what I'm planning for this evening. Hop on over and join me!

Elbows to knees, rotating, 25 total. Go slow and don't strain your neck. Mentally concentrate on your ab muscles. You should feel upper, lower and the sides contracting ... breathe. Take a few second break if needed, count to 10 super quick, that's the only break you get!

Feet straight up, heels to ceiling, reach with your hands to touch your toes, up and down, 25 total. You can do it. Keep the legs straight, don't bend your knees and keep your feet flat to the ceiling. Again, focus, concentrate and BREATHE!

Hmm, that was 50 already and it's only been, what, 15 minutes? Woohoo. Moving on:

In and outs ... this is a P90X Abripper move, sit with your knees bent, lift feet off ground, hands on ground to side, slightly behind your rear. extend legs straight out, trying to keep your back straight (do not arch) and bring knees back up towards your chest. Keep feet flat as you do and go for 25.

Next up is Crunchy Frog, another P90X Abripper move, start in same position as In and Outs only know, your arms are out to side (in air, palms facing forward). Straighten legs out (off the ground) and lean back and then come up to starting position with knees up to chest and arms wrapping around knees. In and out. Breathe (this is hard I think) and we are going for 25.

Whew. Thats 100 baby.  Ok, really, we should do more but I think the last thing I'm going to do is mason twist.

50. With my 10 lb medicine ball. Just because.

So there you have my Tuesday workout. 150 total ab moves. Whew. So how about it, did you do it??

Monday, January 10, 2011

Update for Monday, the 10th day!

Here it is, day 10 of the new year. AND I've done nothing substantial for working out!

I've been sick and have finally started to feel better but still have a wicked sore throat that keeps me awake at night, actually makes my eyes tear up :( I'm quite certain that I've lost a few pounds since we came back from our trip as my appetite has been next to nothing (plus it hurts to swallow, doh) ...

I'm really looking forward to this evening and attempting to go for a walk. One lonely mile. To the end of the street and back. Not much to write home about but it's something which is better than nothing!

The Ipod is charged. The shoes are laced. Shorts and tshirt with socks are set out. Just need to do it.

How has everyone else been doing? Motivated? Not so much?