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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Abs ... only 40

You know, the core area is really one of the easiest places to see a difference, but you have to stay focused!

As you may have seen on the other site, I have joined a gym, only because Hubby needed to have the outside motivation. We joined a place called YouFit ... $20 a month for each of us, unlimited access to gym, classes, tanning, etc. Personal Trainers galore and it's sort of cool that I can watch them work out with the clients while I'm on a treadmill and put the information away in my brain :)

So anyways, I still work out at home though.  And realize that I've been neglecting the core/ab area ... because geesh, my legs and butt are firmer but the rolly polly rolls are coming back in the stomach!

So here we go, 40 total today, which really, is enough on a daily basis IF that's all you have time for :)

1.  Lay on back with knees bent, feet flat on floor. Put arms straight up in air, palms facing and touching each other. And up you go in a crunch, reach for the sky, keeping hands together and arms straight. You will be more reaching towards the 10:00 or 2:00 position on a clock, not straight up in the air. Not going all the way up and be sure to squeeze your ab muscles when doing. Do 20 (come on, you can do it!)

2. Ready for the other 20? IF you have a medicine ball or other stable weight, place between your knees once in position. Lay flat on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Hands out by sides, palms down for stability. Lift feet off floor (knees still bent) and straighten legs so they are straight over the floor, but don't touch the floor! Pull knees up towards starting position and repeat. IF you have the weight, put between your knees and hold it together. Do 20 of these, be careful not to strain your neck, using your hands and arms to stabilize and focus on your core while doing.

And there you are, 40 tummy works for the day.  IF you still feel up to it, do 40 mason twist, 20 crunches or 20 situps, all depending on your ability!

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