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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gym - Circuit Class - Easy to do at home!

Been a while since I've been to the gym, first being sick and then graduation and the continual running nose ... I'm glad I went, but man, I was dying, he even gave me a 30 second break which is  UNHEARD of with this dude! I think this could easily be set up at home with a few modifications if you don't have swiss ball, medicine ball or kettleball! Give it a shot!

1 minute intervals:

Wall slam burpees (with a swiss ball)

V Crunch on swiss ball

jump rope

medicine ball twist squat

hop scotch (butt low)

lobster crawl (don't arch back, keep plank form)

dead man lifts (35 lb kettleball, back flat)

jump squats (keep knees behind toes!)

wall sit (hands can go anywhere but on your thighs)

push ups (on dumbbell with alternating lifts, 10 lb)

side lunges, low to ground (keep one foot on ground at all times, do not get a 'hop' in the lunge)

side hops (on a step that was about 1 foot high!)

Did a total of 3 circuits which was more than 45 minutes! My favorite? The v crunch (you just rotate the crunch to the left or to the right), the medicine ball twist (but I feel it in the back fat! Yes!) and the wall sit (relaxation). Worse? Burpees (always), jump squats (I just get too tired to have the energy anymore) and the side hops (good lord) which means, anything cardio inducing! :)

So, have you been working out??

1 comment:

  1. I love working out with a trainer, but in the summer that's not happening much. I think weights are such a great addition to my running. Sounds like you had a great workout!!
