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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Weight Loss/Gain

I started the low carb June 1st. Stuck with it about 75 to 80% of the time. The other 20 to 25% was never full blown binging, but still, I did enjoy a few nights out, a few margaritas, a few donuts, a few (or more) beers and a few bowls of ice cream than was really allowable.

I weighed myself on June 1st, found the number to be totally unacceptable (for those of you out there who say it's "just a number" I say boo to you!) and vowed to lose weight.

I meant to weigh myself on the 30th of June, which was Wednesday. Unfortunately, life got in the way and finally, this morning, July 4th, I weighed myself at the Publix.

6 lbs.


I lost 6 freakin pounds!! Can I say YES BABY!!??

Now here's the real kicker. IF and this is a BIG freakin IF, I had been working out as consistently as I was watching the carbs, I bet $100 I would have lost easily, 10 lbs if not more. AND, imagine if I had stuck to the plan even 85 t0 90% of the time?? I would really have done well.

So there you have it. I'm thrilled. Actually, I bet I lost more but this is the weekend where I'm OFF and eating, drinking, etc. but that's ok, it's only a temporary thing AND I am very conscientious about it.

So lets see what July brings. Anyone else seeing some fairly favorable results?

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